
API Software

Building solutions to grow your business

AI and Human

About us

We gather talented members with a lot of experience in building solutions and projects for businesses with an effective combination of AI and Human, we always find ways to improve the working process to catch up with the trends of the new era

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Effective combination of AI and Human

It can be said that recently AI has had a significant impact on the software industry, we think that AI and humans should cooperate effectively instead of excluding each other and that is also the motto of API Software


How to combine

We do not interact with AI in the way ordinary users usually do, we work with AI suppliers to integrate AI into our development tools, through the process of working with Developers regularly, AI will grasp the style of Developers, the style of project types, the style of the company to provide accurate, effective and optimal support

Some of our strengths

And more, your projects with us, let's start

Or you need security and convenience, our staff will work at your company

Data Analyst

Data Analyst

Management: CRM, HRM, ERP, ...

Management: CRM, HRM, ERP, ...

Banking, Finance

Banking, Finance

Integration: Call Center, Video Call, Chatbot, ...

Integration: Call Center, Video Call, Chatbot, ...

Web3: Mini Game, Trading, ...

Web3: Mini Game, Trading, ...

Biometrics: Face, Voice, Finger, ...

Biometrics: Face, Voice, Finger, ...

Ecommerce: B2B, B2C, ...

Ecommerce: B2B, B2C, ...

Location Tracking: Logistics, Car Booking, ...

Location Tracking: Logistics, Car Booking, ...

Booking: Home, Car, Plane, Travel, Service, ...

Booking: Home, Car, Plane, Travel, Service, ...

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We also welcome your investment

Invest in our company, Together for Success

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